Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Sat by a neurologist from the University of Virginia Hospital on the plane ride home from DC who was traveling to Salt Lake to give a few lectures at the U of U Hospital on strokes. We chatted a bit on the ACA.

She indicated that since she worked at a public hospital and university, that most of her colleagues thought that although there will certainly be adjustments and unintended consequences, that it would be a positive step and would improve health care.

I asked her about her feelings on the feared brain drain from medicine. She indicated that, yes there would be some that may decide not to become medical providers but said they would probably be the ones that shouldn't be docs.

She said she loved her job, not because it made her wealthy but because she loved being a medical care provider and loved doing research. I would suspect there are many like her and the world is not doomed to end any time soon because of the ACA.

Loren M. Lambert © October 21, 2013

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