Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I don't think I like "leakers."

I don't think I like "leakers." I think a more brave course would be, if you think the constitution or laws are being violated, to whistle blow through official channels so you don't jeopardize lives, security and intelligence gathering. Many times, those that don't have all the information, make a lot of assumptions that assume the worst.

Comment 1: Loren M. Lambert - I'm not an expert, but having been on the inside (JAG) and the outside, I think creative minds who are not hell bent to either extreme (loyal to the point they would overlook all indiscretion or so muddled by their own rectitude that every perceived intrusion regardless of how justified or legal is deemed unconstitutional) can think of ways, through aid of a good legal guide and advocate, to meet the interests of both the needs of liberty and security.

Comment 2: Loren M. Lambert - Agreed, just be careful not to "paint too broadly." Some "Americans" are criminals, terrorists and reprobates and with sufficient process upon a finding of reasonable suspicion (lesser intrusions) or probable cause (greater intrusions) should be spied on. Moreover, that which we disseminate to the public is free to be viewed by all eyes.

Loren M. Lambert © June 13, 2013

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