Monday, April 14, 2014

If Suggested By Your X, It Must Be Resisted, Even If Technically Not Your X, But Just Sort Of Feels That Way

In many a Divorce I have watched the warring parties, no matter what came out of the opposing party’s mouth, in knee jerk reaction, determine it had to be wrong. In one, the spouse said, “If you’ll just give me the Divorce, I will give you everything, then chain myself to a stake in Death Valley, slit my eyelids off and then let the pack rats nibble my skin off.” The other, then said, “That’s not good enough. If you’re offering that, then you must be willing to give more. I’ll give you the Divorce if you give me all that except that Death Valley would be a vacation for you, so how bout chained to a stake in a garbage dump in the desert with piped in audio of my voice in your ears as the rats nibble your skin off?”

In another, one the spouse said, “Who cares if you make 5 times more than me, I have not worked outside the home for twenty years while married to you because I raised all the kids, cooked, cleaned, etc. and you owe alimony, just give me the Divorce, our 1992 Honda Civic and a dinner gift certificate to Chuck’a’Rama and we’ll call it even.” The other, then said, “Let’s see, what aren’t you not telling me, hmmmmmmm, I get it, the worst torture you could imagine is seeing me in court a couple of times more and then getting alimony for the next 20 years, so no, I’m going to make the Judge make me pay you alimony for all 20 years, and not just the minimum, no that would be too easy, you’re going to get dumped on. The maximum I could pay so that I have to live under an overpass and you will just feel awful. Take that B______!”

Sound irrational? That’s how we are with Russia/Putin. Yet, I have news for you, we are not and never were getting Divorced from Russia/Putin and we’re not even in a common law marriage with Russia/Putin despite our little do-see-do in World War II. So why the knee-jerk reaction in opposition to Russia/Putin’s suggestion that we get all of Syria’s chemical weapons and destroy them?

No, as a spokes person from the Obama Admin said, we need to run this one down to explore it as an option and not be so proud as to think our not-ever-x humiliated us by suggesting something that might make some sense.

Comment 1: Loren M. Lambert - So you know, I think they should bag creating congressional districts and simply have a randomized selection of constituents so that either an SS number or other ID number puts you in the district of one politician or the other. (You have five districts--every fifth person based on the randomized selection is in that district). Some may argue, that would mean States like Utah would just have republicans--I don't think it would--regardless it would take away the infighting on both sides and be more democratic

 Loren M. Lambert © September 10, 2013 

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