Wednesday, April 16, 2014

"Republicans: Sell At the Price We Tell You Or We're Setting a Match To It!"

Pres. Obama said it best, "It's like [the Elephant] wants to negotiate to buy your home and [the Elephant] tells you that if you don't accept the price the [Elephant] wants to buy your home for [the Elephant] we'll burn it down."

The government shutdown is emphatically not Pres. Obama's fault.

Congress could end it tomorrow and then take its message to the polls next election, instead, the Republicans and all who they represent are going to burn our country down around us if we don't sell them our votes at the price they are unilaterally setting.

The Tea Party and their Republican allies are forcing us by extortion to sell to them the votes we already made in the election, the same way that corporate America bought the Republican politicians' their seats in Congress. Sickening.

Loren M. Lambert © October 8, 2013

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