Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Rules of the Road: Topping Stupid with Greater Stupidity

Here is an accurate but allegorical depiction of the mentality of some drivers (caution, this is crass but meant to highlight the stupidity of some) and their reaction to what they perceive as a driving error by another (what they do is as intelligent as what this person thinks and then does):

"You're kidding? Really? You're going to break wind in my presence? It was accidental? You're old and sick and you apologize? I don't care if you're sorry. That is no excuse. I'll show you, yeah, you've had it, watch this, not only I'm I going to crap myself in your presence, but I'm going to take it, and smear it all over my face, and then clean my hands off on my white shirt. That's right, teach you a lesson."

Okay, this isn't my most elegant nor appealing analogy and perhaps even a bit sophomoric, but how do we humans go from the point of bending over backwards to be apologetic when, in person, we bump into each other in a room or on the street but behind the wheel we loose all sense of propriety and react in ways that put our own and other peoples' lives in greater danger than the original perceived driving errors?

Dumb, very, dumb.

So don't do anything stupid, thoughtless, or negligent in my presence because I can top your stupidity with even greater stupidity, you don't believe me, go ahead and try me.

Loren M. Lambert © July 25, 2013 

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