Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Why I Could Never Get Elected Like Ted Cruise

Ted Cruise said he was just doing what he was elected to do--meaning he was working for the people who paid for his campaign.

While I do think Senators and Congressional Reps need to represent the folks back home, I more strongly believe that they need to have enough courage to do what is likely to do the most good for the greatest amount of people. To me that takes more courage than thinking that it takes courage to be a thorn in America's side just because a mean spirited minority wants to inflict pain because they can't have their way.

We are a great nation because of our diversity, not in spite of it. Not because we allow insular groups to hold the rest of us hostage, nor do we require conformity, but because we find a middle path that unifies us and leads to a better and bigger whole.

Loren M. Lambert © October 22, 2013

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