Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wildly Unpopular Things

Dying in a foreign non-defensive war is wildly unpopular, dying of preventable and treatable medical conditions is wildly unpopular, passing Obamacare without a single [congressional] Republican vote due to their and many being oblivious to the pain of millions is not wildly unpopular-- that is why President Obama won a second term, if it had been otherwise, a Republican out of touch with everyone including his family pet would be president. And just so you know, I don't have a problem with him putting his pet on the top of his motor home because the pet would have suffered too dearly being in Mitt's presence that long.

Comment 1: Loren M. Lambert - I've already got my Obamacare bill and it has been much less expensive than my pre-Obama care bill. But let me let you in on a little secret--all the experts said that until the market settles in that premiums would go up. And many of the experts say that once everyone is insured and there is greater competition among the insurance companies--those that can adjust--premiums will go down--and once the republicans get on board and introduce market reforms that further increase competition--premiums will go down further. And finally, once legal reforms are made to standardize and bring more predictability to general damage awards--premiums will go down ever further.

Comment 2: Loren M. Lambert - As I have said time and time again, I am for “tort reform” that is an equitable and evenhanded way that just does not benefit the medical industry, establishes uniformity and predictability in the awarding of general damages. What I oppose is “tort reform,” or “legal reform,” that seeks to benefit a particular group of persons or a specific industry like the medical or health profession or that simply seeks to insulate a group of persons, or a specific industry from “personal responsibility,” for its actions. We all should be equal under the law.

Loren M. Lambert © September 28, 2013

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