Monday, April 14, 2014

You May Stir but Not Shake & You May Rape, Imprison, Torture, Mutilate and Slaughter But Not Poison

Our interaction with Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria has schooled me that while a dictator may rape, imprison, torture, mutilate and slaughter the innocents within his or her borders, he may not poison them because that would not be just bad and frowned upon, that would be really bad and might lead to condemnation by the UN. Moreover, humans here have rights, they are much diminished elsewhere and not our concern.

Comment 1: Loren M. Lambert - Yes. I just think that when inaction will be more costly in lives' lost and resources lost than action or we can do so without jeopardizing our own interest and can thereby create greater liberty for all then we should act, don't you?

Comment 2: Loren M. Lambert - Specifically on Syria? Unless there is a world consensus--we’re probably better off staying out because I don't think we could reduce loss of lives and resources in the long run nor create greater liberty for all.

Loren M. Lambert © August 21, 2013 

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