Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sex and Government--Two Very Dirty Words

What do the words and the definitions of Government and Sex have in common? Both standing alone are dirty words defining dirty things to some conservative thinkers.

The mere mention of these words cause their brains to implode with IBS--Irritable Brain Syndrome--during which they cannot think or communicate because either their brains shut down due to cerebral constipation or their brains vomit a senseless stream of incoherent sentences and irrational ideas due to cognitive projectile diarrhea. During this state of mind it is impossible for them to rationally discuss these two "dirty words" and understand that Sex and Government depending on the circumstances, consent, preparation, size, innovation, utility, integrity, persons involved, commitment, follow through, and transition can be good, productive, fulfilling, and sometimes even praiseworthy.

Today, sadly many conservatives and republicans don't understand this, don't want to have a conversation, don't want to solve problems, and they really don't want small government. They want almost no government and while there at it, no sex. Because if they are too frustrated to have it, they think their misery deserves company.

But oddly while these same conservatives will trust government to be militarized to the nines, be the guardians of a large nuclear arsenal, and to intrude into every corner of our lives--the very means by which dictators impose totalitarian regimes.  They cower in abject infantility when moderates, some conservatives, Democrats, progressives, libertarians, pragmatists and others suggest that government be called on to propagate the continued viability of our planet.
Loren M. Lambert
© August 14, 2014

Jacob Dean: Oh give me a break.  August 15, 2014 at 3:52pm

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