Thursday, January 21, 2016

“Oafissication Atrophic Sympathetic Syndrome” or “OASS” Strikes Seven Out of Ten Affluent White Male Men

I recently learned, in the middle of the night, that I suffer from a mild form of this condition. So I know something about it.

Oafissication is a condition that usually strikes men, rarely women, between their 40s to 60s, and oddly enough, a high percentage of those with a net worth over $500,000. However, it can affect all adults over age 12, during or after puberty, and all socio-economic groups. It is now considered a stage of development or better said, retro-development in many males’ lives, between the height of physical health during a male’s 30's and before aging completely robs them of their virility in their 70's.

It occurs when a person’s incipient thoughts about their material world, incipient business ideas and their unspoken biases and prejudices are transformed into ossified convictions. This usually occurs when a person has reached a certain amount of expertise or excellence in one very narrow realm of study or economic achievement and that person then extrapolates from that success and believes he is competent in all economic endeavors and in all intellectual disciplines.

It also causes a person to believe that everything he says is ingenious- not because it is, but just because they say it and to look back on his or her life and reconstruct it so that everything he has done was a success, whether this is actually the case. He also believes that he is still as attractive as he was in his or her prime and that anyone who pays attention to him are interested solely in him and not his money or positions of power.

Surely and slowly, such persons, without significant intervention, by age 65 to 70 turn irretrievably into an oaf. Some of these oafs are viewed as lovable and endearing grandfathers, depending upon their dispositions, so that their outdated and bad ideas can be seen as simply a remnant of their ignorant pasts, but others become boorish, overbearing and intolerable- especially if they obtain positions of power that give them authority over other human beings.

In his psychological evaluation, the Donald (Trump), was determined to be terminally stricken with this malady. Please send donations to me and I will use them in a manner that advances ameliorating this condition in all those who suffer from it.

Loren M. Lambert, © Jan. 12, 2016.

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