Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Problem or The Beauty

Problem is, or the beauty (if that's how you view it) is at this time, opinion and emotion are driving public discourse, and not fact and reason.

As erstwhile Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee might say, the proof is in the pudding and we disagree about how that pudding was made, it's ingredients and what it tells us.

I believe, or my opinion is, that the facts of history and human achievement show that progressives, artists and thoughtful rebels lead and advance civilization and progress and that conservatives reign in the excesses of that progressive vision and help implement and execute the blueprints of that forward vision.

As long as there is freedom, liberty, security and civility, we can find the balance between those two human tendencies.

Any disequilibrium to the extremes lead to greed, envy, hate, tyranny and war.

Loren M. Lambert © Jan. 12, 2016.

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